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Marushin Enfield No.2 MK1 Police Heavy Weight Model Revolver


Only for display,cannot fire.

The package is included:

Gun, 6 x Shells

Length: 220mm
Weight: 600g
Material: Heavry Weight
Capacity: 6 Shells

System: CAP

History: The Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield rook over design responsibility for the new pistol in 1926.The webley design was modified by incorporating changes in the trigger mechanism and lock work and introducing a hammer lock design to increaoe the weapon's safety. When the design was completed the pistol was called the pistol revolver No.2 Mark 1. It came into service on 2 June 1932, and was declared obsolescent in June 1938.

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This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 08 March, 2008.